We offer our trade customers access to variously formatted stock feeds, which are automatically updated every 2 hours on our FTP site.

For login details to connect, please call our Sales Team on 0113 286 6411 or email sales@jhs.co.uk

Please be aware that access through internet browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer etc, to our FTP stock feed will not work.

We recommend using FILEZILLA.

Stock Feed Setup Guide

Download FileZilla for free from filezilla-project.org.

Select 'Download FileZilla Client'.

Follow the installation process to fully install FileZilla.

Select the default options on all screens where prompted. 

Open FileZilla.

Enter the login details provided to you by our Sales Team into the corresponding boxes: 'Host', 'Username' and 'Password'.
The Port box can be left blank.

Click 'Quickconnect'.

On the left hand side of the screen you will see your local machine and its file hierarchy. Once connected, on the right hand side of the screen you will see the FTP site files and directories. 

In the upper section of the FTP site, select the 'PRIVATE' folder. In the section just below, you will now see the directory listing all the available files.

Files can be copied over by dragging and dropping from the right side to the left side; from the FTP Site directory to a chosen location, such as 'Downloads', on your local machine. 

The 'Successful Transfers' tab at the bottom will indicate copy completion.

If you encounter any problems accessing the Stock Feed data, please contact our Sales Team on 0113 286 6411 or email sales@jhs.co.uk