Augustine AR3 Regal Blue Single String - G/3rd



Augustine Regal Single String - G/3rd

About Augustine

The Augustine history is the evolution of the classical guitar as a concert instrument.

During the 1940’s, Albert Augustine the inventor of the world’s most famous classical guitar string brand, worked for over three years with the DuPont Company and 20th Century classical guitar Maestro Andrés Segovia to design, refine, hone and perfect both the ground nylon monofilament and multifilament nylon core wound synthetic classical guitar string.

Introduced in 1947 this revolutionary and totally groundbreaking technology changed the tone of the classical guitar forever, moving away from inconsistent and unreliable strings made of organic materials, to perfectly balanced, accurately intonated, totally consistent synthetic nylon classical guitar strings, which have gone on to resound in concerts across the globe performed by Segovia, Julian Bream, Jason Vieaux, Eliot Fisk, David Tanenbaum, Marko Topchii, Tengyue (TY) Zhang, and a veritable host of other stellar performers.

Augustine classical guitar strings are available in a range of tensions, a term idiomatic to the classical guitar but which can be used interchangeably with the more common “gauge” when used to describe the way a string feels and performs. Essentially, low tension strings correspond to light gauge strings and high or hard tension strings correspond to heavy gauge strings.

Follow this link for a full explanation of all the various types of Augustine strings:

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